The last time Colonel Steve Austin was published in comic book form was in June of 1978. 33 years later, Dynamite Entertainment brings him back in The Bionic Man #1. Ladies & Gentlemen-it was worth the wait. For those of you expecting Steve Austin to be full on bionic in this issue, you'll be a little disappointed. But, that's about the only thing that's lacking in this first issue. Dynamite made a spectacular desicion by putting their A-Team of Phil Hester & Jonathan Lau on this book. The team did a fantastic job adapting Kevin Smith's Green Hornet screenplay into a fun, action-packed and all around excellent comic, and to no one's surprise, they do the same thing here.
-In the first issue we're introduced to all the main characters & villians. One of the things that impressed me most about the book was that the villian is actually a SUPER villian. Not a guy in a suit or a bad guy with an eye patch and a grugde that is common in modern day comics. He's totally evil, and he's got what looks to be some sort of bionic powers of his own. There's some great set up for the villian's motivation,while not giving everything away yet. Your definately left wondering just what the villian's motivation is and where he came from.
-If I'd have to pick a favorite aspect of the book, it would be the characterization of Steve Austin himself. Smith & Hester do a fantastic job of giving Steve a real personality and not just making him a Hal Jordon or Maverick from Top Gun clone. He's got the right amount of cockiness, swagger and heart. In a surprising twist(tiny spoiler alert)Jamie Summers is also introduced in this first issue as Steve's fiancee. And don't worry, Oscar and Rudy are back, and as charming as ever.
-My hat's off to artist Jonathan Lau for making the action in this book SO kinetic. Flight scenese are really tough to pull off in comics, but Lau really makes the most of his panels without dragging it out for page after page.
-All in all, this was a GREAT first issue. Very excessable to any new reader that's not been exposed to the franchise and yet familiar enough to make long time fans of the property feel like they're taking a trip home to visit old friends. I honestly can't recommend this book highly enough. Put on your red track suit and RUN down to your local comic store and pick this up right away!!!!

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