Thursday, November 29, 2012


Let's be honest, if you're reading this you have some interest in either comic books or toys. And if you're like any collector, you might have some extra stuff laying around that's taking up space that you're really not using or playing with. Well, it's Christmastime and whether we like to face it or not, there's way too many kids out there who won't be having much of a Christmas this year due to tough economic times, or some other unfortunate circumstance.
-I'd like to direct your attention to a GREAT organization: GEEKS FOR TOTS!!!!! Not ONLY will you be making some kid's Christmas, but you could actually WIN an awesome prize while doing it! EVERYBODY WINS!!!! Mr. Paul Rudolph, one of the top brass over at GFT, was kind enough to send over the details on the promotion, so here they are:

Win Toys For Helping Tots with Geeks for Tots!
 Geeks for Tots is back once again to promote giving this holiday season. Geeks for Tots is a contest that encourages donations to the Toys for Tots.

There are far too many kids that won’t get gifts this holiday season and the Toys for Tots program is here to help. Toys for Tots takes new toys and distributes them to kids in need. To encourage donations to the Toys For Tots program, the Geeks For Tots contest is offering prizes to those who send in proof of donations to Toys for Tots.

The Prizes up for grabs are:
  • Anakin Skywalker Force FX Lightsaber from Brian's Toys
  • Gift cards to Backstage Toys
  • Gift cards to Luke’s Toy Store
  • Gift cards to Luke’s Toy Store
  • Lots of figures from Fantastic Plastic Toys
  • Gift cards from
  • Gift certificates from Nerd Rage Toys
  • New and vintage figures from Pixel Dan
  • 30th Anniversary G.I. Joe Skytriker from Dinosaur Toy Vault
To participate in the contest, a contestant has to either send in a picture of them donating at a Toys For Tots drop off box or by forwarding copy of a receipt from an online cash donation to the Toys For Tots website.

More details like where to send the photos and receipts, please visit (Link:

About Geeks for Tots:

Geeks for Tots is a grassroots contest started with the simple goal of encouraging donations to Toys for Tots via a contest. This is the fourth year of the contest. Previously it was known as “Joes for Tots.”


Follow them at

-C'mon folks, let's get in the Christmas spirit and give these guys a hand!!!! And PLEASE help spread the word by tweeting, facebooking, myspacing, whatever pinterest is, and whatever else you can think of! 

Wednesday, November 28, 2012


You've missed it, you've asked for it, so here it is, back by popular demand-HOT GIRL WEDNESDAY!!!! This week's hot girl is Canada's very own Jenny Poussin!!!! Jenny has appeared in countless magazines, movie, TV shows, catalogs and calendars. And her website is AWESOME and you should check it out!! Without further ado, here's your hot girl of the week.

 And here's a little clip of Jenny in action.

You're Welcome!!

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

THE LIST for 11/28/12

I don't know about you, but here's what I'm excited for this week:

All New X-Men #2! I LOVE this take on X-Men! Bendis is great on this title and Stuart Immonan's art is AMAZING!!!
Superman Family Adventures #7: There is NO comic out right now that is as PURE FUN as this book.
Masks #1: ALL your favorite pulp heroes join forces! The Shadow! The Spider! The Green Hornet! Zorro!
The Savage Hawkman #14: Hawkman & Green Arrow!!! Together again for the first time!!! the New 52 at least.

Arrow #1: Speaking of Green Arrow. I love this show, I'll give the comic a read.
Cobra #19: Featuring those lovable Ruskies-THE OKTOBER GUARD!!
Aquaman #14: OCEAN! MASTER!
and finally.....MacGyver: The Fugitive Gauntlet #2: It's MacGyver!!!!!
-It's actually a HUGE week for comics, so get down to your local retailer and check out all the new books. If your in Chicago, you KNOW where to go!!! See you guys & gals at Challengers tomorrow!!

Sunday, November 25, 2012

The Future.........

A lot of people have been asking me what I've either BEEN up to or what I'm GOING to be up to. While I wish the answer was more exciting, I HAVE been busy. For the past few months, I've been helping out at Challengers Comics + Conversation. Run by 2 of my best friends, Patrick Brower & W. Dal Bush, I've been beyond lucky that they've asked me to come aboard and help them out on a weekly basis, and I can also be found there for the occasional event or random day when they need an extra hand. I am, was and ALWAYS WILL BE part of the comic "community" or "industry", if you will. What I love most about working at Challengers is there's no bullshit. No website that I'me forced to work on at the sacrifice of paying attention to customers in the store, no 8 other stores that I have to worry about calling or getting calls from at odd time. It's boiled down to what I love and what I do best:selling comic books to people that want to buy comic books. Plain and simple. Pure joy.
-I have also been working on and in the next year, you'll see some big changes to that site, all of them good. I've got some great stuff lined up with the help of some great people, so bookmark that site, there's exciting stuff happening in regards to that.
-Also, I'm getting ready to go back to school in January of 2013 to become a personal fitness trainer. It's something I'm very passionate about and I've been thinking about doing for the past couple of years. I'm the odd duck who said that my future would always be in retail, but after my last job, I don't know that that applies anymore. All the bad-mouthing that retail jobs get? Well, it's pretty much all true. It's a thankless job that pays very little. While my heart will always belong to comic retail, and like I said, I will always be involved in that industry, I have no desire to work full time at a big box retail store. And physical fitness is something that I have come to have a real passion about. I'm a type 2 diabetic, and I wouldn't want anyone to go through what I have to go through every day. If I can help ANYONE get into better shape and lead a healthier lifestyle, I'll be tremendously happy. And yes, you see me joke on twitter and other places about eating whole cakes, pies, ect....but it's just that. A joke. I don't REALLY eat everything I say I do, if I did, I'd have died a long time ago.
-So, that's what's been up and that's what's coming up. Stuff, stuff, and more stuff. In the coming months, look for a bunch of fun things that will be happening, exclusive stuff available only right here(NO, I'm not going to be an online comic retailer. Never ever.)and plenty of events that will be happening. In the immediate future, look for an announcement in the next couple of weeks about a FANTASTIC Sta.....wait, that would be telling. Thanks for taking the time to read this. I appreciate each and everyone of you, and I think Doc Brown said it best when he said to Jennifer.....