Another great issue!!! This one's not as quite as fast-paced and action packed as the last, but still, a really good read. There's a LOT of talking heads in this book, but that's not necessarily a bad thing in this case. It's a nice catch-up as to what's gone down so far-from a certain point of view. Mike Costa keeps the dialogue quick, sharp and to the point, with a dash of character added in. We learn some new secrets and there's a couple of real "HOLY CRAP" moments in this one. We've got 3 more months before the Cobra Civil War ends, and I have a feeling that a LOT of MAJOR events haven't even started yet. These next 3 issues are going to be a lot of fun!
-I can't end this review without mentioning artist Werther Dell'Edera. A GREAT choice for this issue and honestly, he should be on a monthly GI Joe book-or ANY monthly comic book for that matter. I love Antonio Fuso, but this was a nice change of pace. Much to my surprise, COBRA is quickly becoming my favorite GI Joe monthly title.
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