Sunday, May 18, 2014

What I thought of...Batman Eternal #6

Batman Eternal #6: Batwing joins the mess and special guest star Jim Corrigan!!
The Good: There's a LOT going on. And I mean a LOT a LOT. Not just filled with action, but it's all over the place. From Batwing to Batman to Arkham Asylum back to Batwing & Jim Corrigan-you get the idea. This issue's script is written by Ray Fawkes, and you can tell the difference. I'm not sure if he's taking care of the "creepy, supernatural" parts of the book(I assume that would be Seeley's job), but the book has a noticeably different feel to it. A change in tone that's pretty dramatic, not because of the difference of the writer, because that's what this issue NEEDS.
The Bad: As I said above, there's a LOT going on. Almost have to keep a scorecard and old issues handy at this point. It's nothing bad, but I thought that there would be a point by now that the writers would stop introducing new story lines.
The Verdict: Even though this is my least favorite issue of the series so far, I say buy it. BUT, I have to warn you-I think this is the make it or brake it issue. From here, you're either in or your out. And, I'm in. 100%.

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